• Witte Ice-Vice Freeze Chuck
  • Ice-Vice Freeze Chuck
  • Witte Ice-Vice Freeze Chuck
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Witte High Precision Freeze Chucks

Ice-Vise© Freeze Clamping Technology Features

  • Ideal technology for clamping small or intricate work pieces.
  • Holds accurately (3 microns) without inducing stress on part.
  • Best applications include electronics, medical, optics, R&D, and ceramics.
  • Various freezing systems are available according to application requirements.

Witte ICE-VISE© Vacuum Freeze Clamps for Applications that Require Precision Accuracy

The Witte Ice-Vice© Freeze Chuck is an ideal technology for clamping small or intricate workpieces accurately, but without inducing stresses in the parts. Parts are clamped by freezing a thin film of water to provide the bond between the part materials and chuck surface. Accuracy of +/- 3 microns is possible, with rapid clamping times. Materials that are very small and delicate can be milled, drilled or polished.

High Precision Witte Freeze Clamping Technology is Ideal for Advanced Industrial Applications

Witte Ice-Vice© Freeze Clamp systems are suited for R&D laboratories, as well as the production of large quantities of parts. Systems include small, compressed air-operated freeze chucks and Freon-based chilling units for large production systems. To improve production time, pallet systems are also possible. Witte Ice-Vice© Freeze chuck systems are used for electronics, medical, ceramics, optics, and glass.

Contact IBAG North America for Witte High Precision Vacuum Freeze Clamp Chuck System Today

Contact IBAG North America and we will evaluate your work piece holding requirements, and determine if the Witte Ice-Vice Freeze chuck system is a good solution. Request a quote or give us a call at 203-407-0397 to get your order started.  For other helpful resources, check out our IBAG Video Resources.

Learn more about Freeze Chucks. Dowload the Witte Ice-Vise Freeze Clamp PDF here

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